Information + Size + Weight
The Aurora Borealis is the largest Crystal Tuning fork to be created at 21" by 5". You may request a shorter length. It may be sized by pitch as well. There might or might not be a fee for specific sizing, for specific pitch there definitely is. At 21" the Aurora is a deep F tone and is quite soothing.
Customization, addition of Sterling Silver Endcaps & Gemstones! It For $299 your Aurora Borealis will have additional symbols etched it will also include two quite heavy sterling silver endcaps, each featuring gemstones of your choice. The selection of symbols may be up to you or Skydin Zeal can easily sense what forces, lineages and vibrations that you need. This is an option because we don't always know best what would change our lives. The primary Gemstone Selection is as follows, Yellow Diamond, Blue Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, Clear Phenakite, or Blue Sapphire. It must be mentioned that all of these primary gemstones are faceted by Skydin Zeal in a truly unique cut that we call the Pleiades cut, it is a 7-sided, sacred geometric, paragon. To anyone involved in the diamond industry this makes for quite a conversation piece, and will tell its story, like your silverware, for thousands of years to come. Select from Golden Sapphire, Blue Sapphire, Emerald or Ruby. All are natural and Grade AA. For the blue gemstone you may upgrade to a Blue Diamond, for the Golden Ray you may upgrade to a yellow diamond. The retail value on all of these gemstones is hundreds of dollars, but Skydin Zeal’s connections insure that you only pay what he pays. You may also order any other gemstone that we have not listed here but it may have to be ordered and there is a small fee of $25.
More Information and Detailed Images of the Aurora Borealis Below The Angel's Trident
