In 2012 Skydin Zeal Created a Pendant to address an issue familiar to all of us having a Human Experience, that being Abundance. As Spiritual Beings we tend to come into this life with many of our other higher bases covered. But Abundance is an Energy that governs not only Finance, but Friendship, Richness of Experience, Human Life Itself. If one's Abundance, even Financial Wealth is not in balance it can prevent one from Ascending to higher Spiritual Experiences. And one can never have enough Abundance Energy, for it manifests in Physical Wellness, Longevity, Happiness and more. This pendant was created with 19 Intense, Prosperity-Inducing symbols from all over the world, mostly Icelandic and Kabbalistic Numerological as these are Skydin Zeal's areas of Experience. For An explanation on how a Symbol Generates an Experience click here.
Gemstone Selection: Choose from (Pictured above, Left to Right): Amethyst, Garnet, Citrine, Opal Solid/Triplet, Peridot, Moldavite, Blue Swiss Topaz, Aquamarine, Blue Sapphire, Emerald, Mystic Topaz, Ruby, Star Ruby, Iolite, Diamond (Lab), Diamond (Natural), Kyanite. All 100% Natural and Authentic unless clearly specified. The more blue or purple in color gemstones will better facilitate the focus of this pendant's intentions, however there are always exceptions, more information on the particular properties of gemstones can be found on the net, but often it's best to go with one's natural intuition.
Technical Information: Size: 50mm x 50mm x 17mm Weight: 14.5 grams, Composition: .929 Sterling Silver with 18k gold accents.
