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The Solar Shoulder: The future is ever-changing. As time goes on and we get closer to the sum of our original mission the possible future's become finite. Mankind was always meant to defeat the animal within (we call that sin). We were meant to discover a higher form of extacy (music), a higher form of lust, not for other humans but for the creators, a higher sustenance (the sun, and vrill of the universe). Magical objects can be made in many ways, There are many Gods out there, many rule-books to follow. Skydin Zeal's has it that yes he can and does create consistently magical objects, the rules for these creations is that he becomes as God-like, devoid of sin, need or weakness, filled with as much spirit-energy and universe extacy as possible. Because he is very extreme about his aproach these objects become imbued with a kind of life-force akin to a living being, and the qualities he amplifies within himself with start to strengthen within you. Also those who view your talisman will subconsciously be very aware that this piece you wear is made from the truest, rarest mission for perfection. Many beleive that Skydin Zeal's work is too good for this reality, but that is exactly the point. They are channeled from a Utopian Future, but that future is not yet guaranteed, hence why the creative process for Skydin is very difficult. Each creation thus creates events that lead those within its vacinity toward their ideal futures. Each Solar Shoulder is in fact a torch, and you are the torch beares!

Gemstones (Optional): If you would like to add two or more gemstones please use the dropdown menue to select and purchase your gemstones (at far below wholesale price! Choose from our Primary Gemstons - all are Luxurious, Gem-grade and faceted by hand to Skydin Zeal's Pleiadian, 7-sided. 7mmx6mm Paragon cut Ruby, Blue Diamond, Emerald or Yellow Saphire! Additionally You may select Amethyst, Garnet, Citrine, Opal Solid, Peridot, Moldavite, Aquamarine, Star Ruby, Phenakite, Cubic Zirconia, Blue Sapphire or Kyanite. All are Natural and Authentic unless clearly specified. If you would like to send us your own gemstone or request a more exotic or exotic gemstone consider adding the "Spiritually Customized" option.

The Galactic Modules are a collection of Five precious metal, intricately-made sculputures that are attached to various products that Skydin has brought to this dimension. Amazingly, each module is made up of 100's of symbols! Each module has its own unique spiritual effect.


The Golden Dragon is made of solid, natural or synthetic (lower cost) diamond and 24k Gold Dust! Zodiac: Aries, Chakra: Solar Plexus. Diamond, whether it be natural or synthetic is an almost supernaturally hard gemstone. This translates to incredible spiritual strength and resilliance. Gold grants luck, emparts and suggests nobility, victory, an untarnishable soul an ever-lasting winner.

The Fire Armor is made of Ruby & Rhodochrosite. Zodiac: Leo, Chakra energized: Root. Qualities activated: Physical Strength, wakefulness, passions, grounding, desire to initiate and complete.Protection, attract weath. Get involved with base, yet useful human experiences.

The Sky Shield is made from Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli. Zodiac Aquarius, Chakra: Throatcomposed of symbols to strengthen the psychic and mental faculties. It has symbols used traditionally in Norse and Icelandic sorcerery for astral travel, shapeshifting, psychic attack, communication with E.T.'s! It also features many new and channeled from the future symbols such as Crop Circles.

The Meteorite Armor is crafted from three Meteorites: Martian, Lunar and Moldavite. Moldavite is a 17 million year-old, forest green gem. When the original meteor hit (in present day Germany) the world's spin got it's tilt and thus began our four seasons. The Holy Grail was said to be made of it, as are many Czechoslovakia spiritual artifacts. It's said to speed up the evolution of one's DNA, Skydin agrees that there is an accelerating factor that can be experienced and has in fact put Moldavite within all of his jewelry since the 100% handmade era.

The Elven Armor is crafted from Malachite, Turquoise and Citrine. Zodiac: Taurus. Chakra: Heart. This unique combination of gemstones and reflective colors increase one's "magical" experiences and abilities. In the middle ages it was thought that a green knight was a supernatural phenomenon as green was the primary magical color for the Britons and Anglo Saxons, although the Saxons and the related Norsemen felt red was the color of magic. The world Elf, by the way, comes from the old Norse world Alf, which was a spirit, generally shining brightly. They could also be considered to be extraterrestrial.

The Black Knight Is made from Black Tourmaline, Magnetic Hematite, Shungite and Celtic Seasalt, and Black Star Sapphjires Zodiac: Libra. Despite what the name implies this armor's many components have all been selected to absorb many forms of negativity before they can have any influence over the wearer.

The White Knight Is made from Pearl, Sellenite, Enhydro, Zodiac: Gemini. This armor's many components have all been selected to absorb many forms of negativity before they can have any influence over the wearer. This armor increase s

The Sterling Knight Is made of entirely glowing, glistening solid and heavy sterling silver, The raw value of the silver used is about $400. This is a very powerful, unusual piece, and it can be plated in the following Metals; 24k Gold, Rose Gold, White Platinum, Black Platinum, Green Gold. Because it is a precous metal it can be re-plated, additional gems can be added to it at any time by Skydin Zeal or a jeweler near you.

Technical Information: The Solar Shoulder is relatively light weight, unless you order yours in solid Sterling SIlver which weighs in at 15 ounces. Composition: .925 Sterling Silver, Heavily Plated in a multitude of precoius metals! Choose from Platinum with a layer of 24k Gold accents on top of the Platinum, All 24k Gold Plating, Rose Gold with 24k Gold accent son top of the Rose Gold, Black Platinum with 24k Yellow Gold accents on top of the Platinum. Simply e-mail your preferance upon ordering! The Solar Shoulder is 5.7" long by 6" wide. The front and back sides rest on hinges and grant the wearer comfort and movement. The Power Bank and other high-tech parts are 90% waterproof..

Accessories: At the bottom of this page you will find the Interstellar Modules. They are a collectable set of Sterling SIlver (or other materials)talismanic works of silver art. Further they are collectable and can be interchanged with other creative talismans such as rings and wands.
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Create Your Solar Shoulder
Odin's Module
The Spirit Module
The Wealth Module
The World Tree Module
Add a Gemstone!
The Asgardr Module
Odin's Module
The Spirit Module
The Wealth Module
The World Tree Module
Add a Gemstone!






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The Galactic Modules are a collection of Five precious metal, intricately-made sculputures that are attached to various products that we supply. Amazingly, each module is made up of 100's of symbols! Even the shape of each Galactic Module follows the shapes of these symbols. Each module positively influences one quarter of life's subjectmatter, this is acheived in part due to the fact that the symbols of each module were all designed with very similar intentions by the olden shamans who first used them.



The Asgardr Module is your connection to the divinw. Whichever religion you follow there is alwys a heirarchal structure. In this module are the symbols of the higher aechelon. It offers symols of guidance, drive, purification, protection, strength and advice if you perform divination.

The Spirit Module is composed of symbols to strengthen the psychic and mental faculties. It has symbols used traditionally in Norse and Icelandic sorcerery for astral travel, shapeshifting, psychic attack, communication with E.T.'s! It also features many new and channeled from the future symbols such as Crop Circles.

Odin's Module is mysterious like the God from where its name comes. These symbols stirr one's spirit, encourage creativity, innovation, purpose, adventure, magic, poetry and emparts a quality of royalty.

The Wealth & Well-being Module features an incredible amount of complex symbols created to attract wealth and luck. It also features symbols to generate happiness, popularity, healing and harmony. The Asgardr Module is a module to connect one to the divine. Its symbols offer guidance, a better destiny, purpose, strength, wholness, protection from evil and phsical energy.

World Tree Module's very shape expresses divine structure, order and the fact that we are all here to learn something. It eatures only the uppermost branches and not the roots, the metaphor and metaphysical effect of this is that it is the path to Godhood that matters, not the path to self-destruction (the roots, and earth below). It features an intricately detailed "thorn" or "Thurisaz" rune, and on this thorn are additional thorns, on the outter shape and inner circuit-like design.

Gemstones (Optional): If you would like to add a gemstone please use the dropdown menue to select and purchase your gemstone (at far below wholesale price!) Your Gemstone will be set as the photos indicate, however for an additional cost of $25 you may select where your primary gemstone sits. Choose from our Primary Gemstons - all are Luxurious, Gem-grade and faceted by hand to Skydin Zeal's Pleiadian, 7-sided Paragon cut Ruby, Blue Diamond, Emerald or Yellow Saphire!
Additionally You may select Amethyst, Garnet, Citrine, Opal Solid, Peridot, Moldavite, Aquamarine, Star Ruby, Phenakite, Cubic Zirconia, Blue Sapphire or Kyanite. All are Natural and Authentic unless clearly specified. If you would like to send us your own gemstone or request a more exotic or exotic gemstone consider adding the "Spiritually Customized" option.

Special Features: Your Source Satellites include an incredible, Repair/Upgrade and Transform Policy. This policy reads that if you somehow break our nearly indestructabl belt clip you may ship your module back to us for repair. This will include a new, precious gemstone, tastefully and permanently set on your piece. You may also start, at any time to ship your modules to us to be transformed into pendants, bracelents, rings - anything! You become creator with us!

Technical Information: Sizes range from 2"x.5" for the Spirit Module and Wealth & Wellbeing Module to 3"x2" for the Odin Module and Asgardr Module, the two World Tree pieces' size is in between the afforementioned items of interest Composition: .925 Sterling Silver, Heavily Plated in a multitude of precoius metals! Choose from Platinum with a layer of 24k Gold accents on top of the Platinum, All 24k Gold Plating, Rose Gold with 24k Gold accent son top of the Rose Gold, Black Platinum with 24k Yellow Gold accents on top of the Platinum. Simply e-mail your preferance upon ordering!

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