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Welcome, these are my most powerful handmade Artifacts!

Incredible, Magical stories surrounding their creation!
Visit each Talisman for more Images & Customization options by clicking "More!" Button.








Gemstone Selection: Choose from our Primary Gemstones Selection pictured above. All are Luxurious, Gem-grade and faceted by hand to Skydin Zeal's Pleiadian, 7-sided Paragon cut Ruby, Blue Diamond, Emerald or Yellow Saphire! Additionally You may select Amethyst, Garnet, Citrine, Opal Solid, Peridot, Moldavite, Aquamarine, Star Ruby, Phenakite, Cubic Zirconia, Blue Sapphire or Kyanite. All are Natural and Authentic unless clearly specified. If you would like to send us your own gemstone or request a more exotic or exotic gemstone consider adding the "Spiritually Customized" option.

Technical Information: Size: 48mm long (or just under two inches) Weight: 35.5 grams
Composition: .925 Sterling Silver, Heavily Plated in a multitude of precoius metals! Choose from Platinum with a layer of 24k Gold accents on top of the Platinum, All 24k Gold Plating, Rose Gold with 24k Gold accent son top of the Rose Gold, Black Platinum with 24k Yellow Gold accents on top of the Platinum. Simply e-mail your preferance upon ordering!

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Gemstone Selection: Choose from our Primary Gemstones Selection pictured above. All are Luxurious, Gem-grade and faceted by hand to Skydin Zeal's Pleiadian, 7-sided Paragon cut Ruby, Blue Diamond, Emerald or Yellow Saphire! Additionally You may select Amethyst, Garnet, Citrine, Opal Solid, Peridot, Moldavite, Aquamarine, Star Ruby, Phenakite, Cubic Zirconia, Blue Sapphire or Kyanite. All are Natural and Authentic unless clearly specified. If you would like to send us your own gemstone or request a more exotic or exotic gemstone consider adding the "Spiritually Customized" option.

Technical Information: Size: 48mm long (or just under two inches) Weight: 35.5 grams
Composition: .925 Sterling Silver, Heavily Plated in a multitude of precoius metals! Choose from Platinum with a layer of 24k Gold accents on top of the Platinum, All 24k Gold Plating, Rose Gold with 24k Gold accent son top of the Rose Gold, Black Platinum with 24k Yellow Gold accents on top of the Platinum. Simply e-mail your preferance upon ordering!

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Take Take a look at all the Details here!

Greetings, I have succeeded at the greatest battle of my life to date. I endured a 6-month fight to survive both physically and creatively. When everything in my world fell into a chasm I chose art, not money, home nor help to extracate myself. I created works that became the light at the end of the tunnel. I aquired new talents and even supernatural abilities. From an incredible battle, and after defeating a powerful foe I have emmerged with artifacts! I believe they will bless you as they did me." -Skydin Zeal, January 2020

Experience & Purchase this Sculpture/Accessory here: More!


Skydin Channeled this from a Dystopian Future A Parallel Version that mankind survived! It is Incredibly Powerful! Click Here!


Skydin Created this peice outside of time itself, completion was granted swiftly by Odin. It is easily the most powerful pendant he has made. Learn more, Customize & Purchase here!

Quick Shop here! If a Gem is not chosen your Piece will hold the Gem pictured above!

Source Spear Pendant (Sterling)


"I sincerely hope that only the good purchase!" -Skydin Zeal









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